Author: Pete

  • Here we go 2024!

    Here we go 2024!

    As the calendar flips to mark the end of yet another year, I find myself in the familiar embrace of the Christmas season, contemplating the highs and lows of the year before, and sketching out the aspirations for the year ahead. Reflecting on 2023, I made some good strides in prioritizing my health and fitness. […]

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  • What AI Will Be Like in 2026, a Future Projection

    What AI Will Be Like in 2026, a Future Projection

    Welcome to the future, where the pace of the AI revolution surpasses the rapid evolution of the Internet, transforming the way we live and work. In this blog post, we embark on a journey into the year 2026, where AI is not just a tool but an integral part of our daily existence. The impact […]

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  • Asking ChatGPT About Myself

    Asking ChatGPT About Myself

    I asked ChatGPT to write about Peter Whyte, and to my surprise, I actually got a nice summary that’s pretty accurate. It expanded the truth in one area, saying I am a frequent speaker at various SQL events. Maybe one day I’ll fill that gap. Perhaps the output was generated based on a generic ‘SQL […]

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  • OpenAI ChatGPT Benifits

    OpenAI ChatGPT Benifits

    I am slowly gaining a series of various AI-related blog posts. This time I’m blogging about the newly released OpenAI ChatGPT web app, which was released in the last weeks (November 2022). ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that you can ask it anything, and it’ll output mostly correct answers with very detailed info (if you […]

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  • Artificial Intelligence Lettuce

    Artificial Intelligence Lettuce

    It’s here, the post everyone has been waiting for. It’s Lettuce Art, by Artificial Intelligence. Assisted by Peter Whyte (Human). This is really just another one of my random posts, but this can also introduce my AI Art Gallary area on my portfolio site here. The AI Art generated below is created using Nightcafe AI […]

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  • Website Updates #1 – August 2022

    Website Updates #1 – August 2022

    This is the start of a new blog Category (Web Traffic Updates) which I’ll be using to track the progress of some of my ongoing website projects. My current projects for this case study include:# Site 1: Personal Blog# Site 2: Personal Database & Software Blog# Site 3: Independent Software & Tech Blog# Site 4: […]

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  • 5 Benefits of AI Content Writing, by AI

    5 Benefits of AI Content Writing, by AI

    The following is generated purely by an AI Content Generator – all I’ve done here was input some parameters and format this post. Also, in the name of the theme, the feature image for this post is AI-Generated Art inserting “Artificial Intelligence Art” as the keyword. As strange as it may sound, AI content writing […]

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  • Virtual Reality, First Opinions 2022

    Virtual Reality, First Opinions 2022

    One day last year, during the time that will go down in history… the time when we were all to be staying in our homes to avoid a virus, I got bored and decided to order an Oculus Quest 2, which is a Virtual Reality Headset for those who don’t know. It allows you to […]

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  • My Almost Daily Hill Walk

    My Almost Daily Hill Walk

    I live in Edinburgh, Scotland which is a really great City for local hill and wood area walks. If you live here, you are always nearby a good trail with elevation to get the required headspace. I work from home, so getting out at least once a day is obviously important. It’s easy to let […]

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  • RIP Old Web Content

    RIP Old Web Content

    I have been creating and managing websites for long enough now to have a backlog of cleaning tasks. Mostly consisting of deleting old blog posts and images from websites that have been in active blogging mode for more than a few years. This is something we really need to keep on top of, clearing out […]

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