Category: Walks, Hiking & Camping

  • Review of the Chimera EV 500 Down Sleeping Bag

    Review of the Chimera EV 500 Down Sleeping Bag

    Two months ago, I made the switch from my 2kg reliable 4-season sleeping bag to the Chimera EV 500 Down Sleeping Bag. As an ultra-light camper, the weight and packability of my gear are always primary concerns. The Chimera EV 500, weighing in at just 1.1kg, presented itself as a perfect solution for my weight-saving […]

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  • Wild Camping Around Edinburgh

    Wild Camping Around Edinburgh

    Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. As someone who’s lived in Edinburgh all my life, I think it’s the best city to live in the UK. One particular reason I love living in Scotland is that wild camping is easy and safe to do locally. Living in Edinburgh […]

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  • My Almost Daily Hill Walk

    My Almost Daily Hill Walk

    I live in Edinburgh, Scotland which is a really great City for local hill and wood area walks. If you live here, you are always nearby a good trail with elevation to get the required headspace. I work from home, so getting out at least once a day is obviously important. It’s easy to let […]

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