Welcome to my Blog

What I am up to

Working in Tech

Working in a remote tech role within an International team. My career is and has been focused towards Database & IT Systems Administration. It’s been a passion that continues to grow over the years; expanding into Software & Web Development, which has led to creating & managing various websites & blogs, all as a hobby.

Focusing on Famaily

Raising a young daughter with an aim to improve general home life and possibilities over time. The activities are truly endless and include any new idea we think can think of on the spot. Some of our current favourite things include board games, drawing & crafts, Roblox, and many outdoor activities like skipping , football, frisbee, and lots of adventures & walks.

Exploring Interests

As one does, I like to explore new and existing interests which includes hiking & camping, exercising, cooking, watching sport (Boxing / UFC), history, weather, Earth, comedy… and other random stuff. The aim is to avoid the News or endless scrolling steams of unconscious content. Go outside, enjoy the present and give the brain a break.

Recent Blog Posts

  • Review of the Chimera EV 500 Down Sleeping Bag

    Two months ago, I made the switch from my 2kg reliable 4-season sleeping bag to the Chimera EV 500 Down Sleeping Bag. As an ultra-light camper, the weight and packability of my gear are always primary concerns. The Chimera EV 500, weighing in at just 1.1kg, presented itself as a perfect solution for my weight-saving…

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  • Wild Camping Around Edinburgh

    Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. As someone who’s lived in Edinburgh all my life, I think it’s the best city to live in the UK. One particular reason I love living in Scotland is that wild camping is easy and safe to do locally. Living in Edinburgh…

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  • The Importance of Holding Your Integrity

    Integrity is a cornerstone of character. In a world where it can be tempting to cut corners, tell a white lie, or sell out for personal gain, maintaining integrity is more crucial than ever. This principle is something I hold dear to heart and strive to adhere to, even when it’s challenging. This, for me,…

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  • Balancing Life and Blog Ambitions

    I’m writing this blog post as a note to self on what I think of this personal blog site so far. Honestly, it’s not been great. It’s time to re-stratigize. I don’t think any of the posts so far have any value. It’s just random placeholders, or what someone in Scotland would say, shite… Managing…

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  • Castell de Bellver, Palma, Mallorca

    I recently had a trip to Palma, Mallorca for a 6-day holiday. I had an amazing time, and one of the highlights of the trip was visiting the historical buildings and castles, such as Castell de Bellver. Google Maps Link Entry costs 4€ for visitors and 2€ for locals. This was definitely one of the…

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