Web Portfolio

Peter Whyte CV

Career History / CV

My career history & CV page includes a link to my LinkedIn Profile which is the ideal place to contact me regarding opportunities within the Database Reliability space, or for any blogging opportunities.

Web Portfolio

My Web Portfolio space is where I showcase my online content on various websites. Most of this content is related to what I do as a job, Database Admin (DBRE).

Peter Whyte Blog

Personal Blog

My personal blog area here is a place for me to post anything of personal interest – a place to get to know me more. This includes random posts on life as a parent, self-improvement, AI content, and hobbies.


I registered DBASco in January 2023 and I decided to make my new primary SQL DBA Blog. This is an informational blog site that covers SQL Server, PowerShell, Windows & Linux Administration, AWS, Azure and more. The intention is to be blogging daily Mon-Fri, including maintaining an active Twitter profile.


AyePaddy is my business website for managing websites for other businesses. This idea spawned from helping others and over time the requirement grew, and so did my long-term ideas. It truly is a passion, to help others grow a website as well as my own sites. I enjoy learning it as much as I do my DBA work & studies.

Tech Blog Icon

Personal Tech Blog

Peter-Whyte.com is a blog that I have been actively posting since 2018, one year after landing my first DBA role. All content is focused towards Database & System Administration, mostly covering SQL Server, Windows, PowerShell and Cloud Technologies. The site sees 10k+ views per month and is monetized with display ads.