Category: Personal

  • The Importance of Holding Your Integrity

    The Importance of Holding Your Integrity

    Integrity is a cornerstone of character. In a world where it can be tempting to cut corners, tell a white lie, or sell out for personal gain, maintaining integrity is more crucial than ever. This principle is something I hold dear to heart and strive to adhere to, even when it’s challenging. This, for me, […]

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  • Balancing Life and Blog Ambitions

    Balancing Life and Blog Ambitions

    I’m writing this blog post as a note to self on what I think of this personal blog site so far. Honestly, it’s not been great. It’s time to re-stratigize. I don’t think any of the posts so far have any value. It’s just random placeholders, or what someone in Scotland would say, shite… Managing […]

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