Since my last post that I published on December 11th 2024, I’ve been rigorously updating content on my tech blog, as well as trying to get fresh new posts created. I’ve also been resolving errors found in Bing Webmaster Tools & Ahrefs.
I have about 175 blog posts on my tech blog, and I have been trying to fix-up everything, all the horrible posts and outdated content. It should be all done and in a better place now.
I’ve been taking no shortcuts through this process. I’ve been dedicated now and consistently for 90+ days, trying to get better at it every day. My ambition is always to create good useful content for others working with Microsoft SQL Server and other related software.
Even though this post title informs a January 2025, this update is showing general information to get a proper view of the recovery process we’re going through. I hope to reflect back on this later in the year and be in a deserving place for the real effort I’ve put into the Database Admin content. It’s really an ambition to create great guides and give good tips for the things I do for my remote job as a Database Reliability Engineer.
Hope you enjoy following my journey!
Tech Blog Web Stats
My ‘tech blog’, is
It contains useful blog posts with guides for Microsoft SQL Server, which is related to my day-to-day job as a Database Reliability Engineer.
Google (last 16 months)

Bing (last 16 months)

Ahrefs (long data, 3.5 years)

Ahrefs Site Fixes

Google SiteKit Summary (last 28 days)

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